Innovel - Fate's Pawn: Twin Moons
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Fate's Pawn: Twin Moons
book-rating-imgUMUR UNTUK MEMBACA 18+
Maria Warren
There's a prophecy that was foretold upon the birth of twins. One is destined to save the pack from certain doom, and the other is doomed to destroy it. Hazel, a young female wolf has been raised all her life knowing that she's the one destined to bring destruction. Her pack has a solution, marry her off like a living weapon so her destiny will be another pack's downfall and not their own. During the last great festival before she leaves things get out of hand and an accident changes Hazel's life forever, now her pack wants her dead. With the help of her best friend and her fated mate she escapes death but ends up in a rival pack where she discovers that she is destined for so much more than she ever thought. A Sin has awoken, and Hazel is the only one that can stop them. Too bad her wolf Ivy fights her at every chance trying to get them both killed.



